Tailwind 3 Redesign!

29 December 2021

Tailwind CSS v3 was recently released, and it’s a pretty simple upgrade process for most v2-based sites. Since I like redesigning things and playing around with Tailwind though, I took the opportunity to update this site again!

This blog probably doesn’t even have an actual audience, but it’s been a good thing to maintain over the years as a way to learn new tools and play around with ideas. This new visual style is the first in what may be a series of changes that are pushing for a more distinct look, rather than looking like a generic site.

I still want to adjust things more, moving components around in a more fun way, adding more colors, etc. I like this as it is, but would love to see where I could take it with a more artistic perspective. So much of my front-end development work centers around simple repetitive UIs, and I really want to do more creative things with the design.

If you do anything with web design and haven’t tried Tailwind yet, you totally should. It’s pretty great!